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András daily perch stocking

2020.12.01. Share

The outstanding fish plantations this year are slowly coming to an end, but there is still a welcome day for the iron peas.

András daily perch stocking

This was also the case yesterday, as 100-100 kg of beautiful juvenile perch arrived in the Gersekarát Sárvíz Lake and the section of the Rába River between Ikervár and Meggyeskovácsi and 50 kg in the Celldömölk Brick Factory Lake within the framework of the native predator-fish planting program.

The total is approx. 1,500 spiny ducks arrived in the county from the Somberek lake unit of Tógazda Halászati Zrt., Supplementing the previous carp and bream installations. Savaria HE in Vas County for the installation of the Rába River. with the support of which we thank you again.

We ask our T. Fellow Fishermen to spare undersized and sensitive small perch during their fishing, giving them a chance to grow to a catchable size.

The Celldömölk Locomotive HE. At the request of our association, in order to strengthen the predatory stock of the water area, a general ban on predatory fishing is ordered on Lake Celldömölk Brickyard from 01.12.20120 to 30.04.20
Please note that in addition to keeping predatory fish on Lake Celldömölk, fishing for predatory fish is also prohibited!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



30.67°  Humidity: 46%