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Acknowledgments and reports at the annual Delegates' Meeting of the Vas county fishermen

2024.05.25. Share

The Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations held its traditional Annual Evaluation Delegates' Meeting in Vas Kreszeztes on Saturday.

Acknowledgments and reports at the annual Delegates' Meeting of the Vas county fishermen

At the beginning of the meeting, the President of the Association, Miklós Seregi, greeted the guests and the fishing association delegates. The meeting was attended by Zoltán Szalay on behalf of the Vas County Police Headquarters. lieutenant colonel, distinguished keynote speaker, as well as József Gecse , head of the Agricultural Department of the Vas County Government Office, and fish management specialists Réka Dugmanits and Norbert Soós on behalf of the Vas County Government Office's Fish Management Authority.

Before the reports and the budget were accepted, the organization's most prestigious county recognitions, the "Fishing for the Iron County" and the "Fishing Sports of the Iron County" awards, were presented to this year's honorees . These recognitions - in a limited number - can be received every year by the persons deemed most worthy of the fellow anglers, volunteers, supporters, and partners who perform outstanding community work on the recommendation of the Association's Executive Committee. In addition to the award, there is also a lifetime regional ticket for the iron waters. The president of the association, Miklós Seregi and executive president Norbert Puskás, presented the awards at the beginning of the delegates' meeting.

The president of the association, László Cziráky, first greeted the president of HE Szentgotthárdi, a member of the Administrative Committee. László Cziráky has been the president of HE Szentgotthárd for more than 25 years and has been an active member of the Steering Committee of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations, of which he was fishing master for 15 years, and a member of the MOHOSZ committee for two years. As a result of his work in the association, he succeeded in making Szentgotthárd the largest non-governmental organization in the settlement and recognized by the local municipality.

Even today, he continues to work actively for the local fishing community with his partner, and in addition to his duties as president, he also actively participates in fishing ticket sales and waterfront work. It plays a big role in the association's management being stable and balanced, and according to its possibilities, they participate in all civil tenders, which serve the development of the association. Without his volunteer work, the operation of the association would become critical, and thanks to a local patriot, Lake Hársas and its surroundings would not be as orderly as they are today.

László Tóth, who received an award for Fishing in Vas Vármegye, is the second recipient this year, the economic manager and ticket salesman of the Körmendi Border Patrol SHE. This year, László Tóth has been doing his association work for 15 years in order to serve the Körmend fishing community . The Körmendi Border Guard Sport Fishing Association was in an extremely difficult situation in 2008-2009. After the election of a new management, László immediately provided the Körmendi Border Guard Fishing Association with the opportunity to organize membership and the regular sale of fishing tickets in the Nagykapás fishing shop. Today, with its 862 anglers, the association has become one of the most important fishing associations in our Association. He helped the association and the president of the association with precise and exacting, transparent administration and accounting. In addition to his work in the fishing association, he has been running a successful fishing store since April 17, 2008, which, as a result of the dynamic development, has become one of the leading fishing specialty stores in the county of Vas with an area of nearly 350 m². The online fishing store is also extremely successful due to its favorable prices and quality approach. Its commitment to the Association is also shown by the fact that the current fishing store has free advertising space and an angler-friendly sales area for iron waters and Association tickets

The third recipient this year was Tamás Hartwig, owner of the Ölbői Sport Fishing Lake system and managing director of the Ölbői Agricultural Production and Service Limited Liability Company, in recognition of the fishing sport of Vas Vármegye . Since 2008, the Ltd. has been operating and continuously developing the more than 7-hectare gravel mine lake, on the banks of which, in addition to the fishing lodges, a cultured buffet, event space, washrooms and guesthouses await those who want to relax. In addition to operating the lake, with the size of the area and its features, the Kft. created and put into operation from 2017 a 17 and a half hectare complex lake unit consisting of 4 lakes, which consists of boilies, 2 races and a predatory lake. In addition to relaxation and recreation, the lakes also provide the opportunity to hold numerous fishing competitions using various methods, which greatly promote the development of the county's fishing sport. During the continuous development, the complex was expanded with a modern community square, a bowling alley and several services related to or related to fishing, which does not end even with regard to the fishing waters, as a new water area suitable for competitions is under construction. In addition to the Ölbői lake system, the community-building work of Tamás Hartwig and his family is shown by the fact that in 2010, the Ölbői Horgásztó Sports Fishing Association was established, which joined the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations in 2016. Nowadays, the association has become the largest fishing association of our Association with its number of 1,688 anglers. From the beginning, the relationship between the Association and the association has been characterized by fair, partnership cooperation, and they support all initiatives that serve the development of the fishing community in Vas County.

At this year's Assembly of Delegates, in an unusual way, our young angler Linter Hunor received a certificate of appreciation from the President and a fishing voucher, who achieved an outstanding result, second place at the MOHOSZ 45th National Youth Fishing Camp and Competition in 2023 .

After the presentation of the awards, the members unanimously accepted the report of the Supervisory Committee, and then discussed the annual professional evaluation of the executive president of the Association, Norbert Puskás. The report revealed that, despite all the difficulties, fishing remains the most affordable form of active recreation available to a wide group of society among leisure activities in our country. Together, fishermen, fishing guides and workers in the sector can be proud of the fact that our fishing community is still the largest non-governmental organization in the county. Despite the extraordinary increases in fish prices and the generally high inflationary effects affecting the sector, thanks to joint responsibility and fair decisions - despite a small decrease - we managed to maintain the number of our fishing community and achieve our annual objectives.

In the year 2022, after the all-time record number of people (12,007 people), last year 11,527 adult and child anglers exchanged valid fishing documents and memberships in our community . Despite the decrease, it is a great pleasure for us that, out of this number of members, the number of our children who exchanged state tickets was 1,765. In the case of adult annual regional tickets, which are of particular importance to the Association (complete county, 3 lakes + rivers, river, partial tickets), sales decreased by 370 in 2023 compared to the previous year, which unfortunately is a drop of almost 14.5% reported. In light of the declining number of anglers and territorial changes described above, the organization has achieved outstanding results in the field of fishing, which can be seen in the fact that in several cases the fish management plan was significantly exceeded for carp and whitefish in our water areas of significant fishing interest .

57,991 kg of carp and 34,600 kg of white fish entered the waters. From last year's predatory fish, we managed to further increase the stocking quantities of previous years, despite the extremely high fish prices (net 5,000-6,500 HUF/kg): 1,000 kg of catchable-sized pike, 882 kg of two-year-old perch, 150 kg of two-year-old rainbow trout and 7,000 pre-raised bream trout, 12,500 pre-raised baleen, 5,000 pre-raised chub and 20,000 pike found a new home in the waters of Vasi.

After the professional report, the financial report and public utility report presented by Etelka Biró, economic manager, were presented to the attendees, which revealed that the past year, despite the difficulties, again ended with a positive financial result. The delegates voted to accept the public benefit report and the simplified accounting report with HUF 398,269 thousand in revenue and HUF 397,169 thousand in costs and expenses.

At the meeting, the work plan and program calendar were also on the agenda, but the delegates also approved the proposals for the membership fee and this year's budget, and in accordance with the legal requirements, Tamás Orbán was elected as the auditor of the Association for the year 2024, representing Laconto Audit Zala Kft.

The delegates' meeting ended with the miscellaneous and miscellaneous agenda, in the framework of which Miklós Seregi invited everyone to the 10th Pinka Valley Fish Day to be held in Vaskeresztes on July 13, 2024, and Norbert Puskás provided information on future tasks related to the Rába River and Gersekarát Sárvíz Lake, as well as about the restart of Döröskei tó.

We thank photographer Kálmán Garas for the photos.

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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