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A renewal meeting was held in Répcelak

2021.07.05. Share

Today, the Répcelak Miners' Fishing Association held its traditional general meeting, at which the leaders reported on the events of the past year and the community tasks they had performed. This year’s meeting was not only extraordinary in that the epidemiological situation had to postpone the meeting from January until summer, but the five-yearly mandatory resignation has now taken place due to the expiration of the management’s mandate.

A renewal meeting was held in Répcelak

The president of the association, János Tóth, thanked his fellow leaders and the anglers of Répcelak for their support and cooperation over the past two decades. The Nomination Committee has done its job and the chairman of the committee Zoltán Kiss introduced the candidates to the new presidency. Attila Kádi was nominated for the position of president, Erika Kovács wanted the economic manager to remain the member, and György Nagy was also proposed for the position of secretary.

Attila Kádi will be replaced by Zoltán Ágoston as head of the Supervisory Board, as proposed by Zoltán Töreki and Gábor Bata.
The Disciplinary Committee will continue to be chaired by Ferenc Pataki, Jr. With the membership of Károly Galambos and András Könczöl. Those present at the general meeting voted the candidates in full agreement.

As part of the other daily item, Norbert Puskás thanked János Tóth, the executive president of the Vas County Association of Sport Angling Associations, for his volunteer work over the past 20 years, and then presented a Federal gift package to the outgoing president. He congratulated Attila Kádi on his election and asked for the active support of the association's membership and leadership for the work of the new president, who has already done a lot for the fishermen in Répcelak. Finally, he informed the participants about the current events concerning the fishermen, future plans and developments.

In conclusion, Csaba Őri, representing the Municipality of Répcelak City, also thanked János Tóth for his work "Uncle Öcsi" and wished further success to Attila Kádi for the next five-year term.

Thanks to Krisztina Winkler, editor-in-chief of Répce Tv.

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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