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7,000 brown trout were planted in Vas County

2023.06.02. Share

Despite the constantly changing habitat conditions, the County of Vas still has natural watercourses that are suitable for maintaining the population of this wonderful fish species as a habitat for the native brown trout. In addition to the "peaceful" fish stocks that make up the majority of anglers, our association wants to fulfill the demands of the ever-increasing UL spinning and fly fishing enthusiasts, and in addition to the mandatory requirements of the fish management plans, to ensure the survival of the stocks of wild waters under its management, which are still classified as trout despite the changing climate.

7,000 brown trout were planted in Vas County

Since it is not feasible to stock native brown trout of hookable size from domestic fish producers, our Association acquired 7,000 pre-raised 4-5 cm brown trout from Hoitsy és Rieger Kft., based in Miskolc-Lillafüred, based on the practice of previous years.

Our fish guards delivered the amount to be installed in a double plastic bag blowing with oxygen using a Toyota Hilux previously purchased with the support of MOHOSZ, from which

  • 3,000 on the section of the Répce river between Bük, Bő and Szakony
  • 2,000 on the section of the Gyöngyös stream between Gencsapáti and Táplánszentkreszt
  • 2,000 in the section of the Pinka stream between Vaskeresztes and Felsőcsatár

was installed with the cooperation of the enthusiastic helpers of our Association.

In addition to the work of our fish guards, we would also like to thank the Csejtei couple (Veronika and Csaba), spin anglers Dániel Szabó and fish management specialist Réka Dugmanits for their help during the installation!

Depending on the water level, water quality, presence of predators and food, different estimation data are available on the survival of pre-raised trout, however, due to the high acquisition costs, our Association prioritizes the planting of the above three streams, despite the fact that, based on the recollections of old fishermen, - in relation to 40-50 years – this wonderful species of fish also lived in several of our streams, which are now unfortunately classified as seasonal watercourses. Of the pre-raised trout that have been stocked in recent years, there are more and more 15-30 cm sized trout on the Répce river, which prove that stocking according to the carrying capacity of the stream is effective.

Maintaining the stock of native brown trout in iron streams is a priority task of the Association, which is why we ask all anglers to take care of the new inhabitants of our streams during their wild water fishing!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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