Széchenyi Terv Plusz

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3850 kg of carp arrived on Monday afternoon

2022.06.14. Share

The luck of the fisherman and the weather were favorable for the fishing in Csertő on Monday morning. Tógazda Halászati Zrt. Delivered 3,850 kg of three-day-old carp to eight iron lakes yesterday. After fish stocks, a general ban on fishing will not be imposed in any of the waters so that everyone can indulge their passion as soon as possible.

3850 kg of carp arrived on Monday afternoon

On Monday, 13 June, three-year-old carp weighing 1-1.5 kg were caught in the following fishing waters:

  • Gersekarát Sárvíz Lake: 600 kg
  • Magyarszecsőd gravel lake: 600 kg
  • Lake Újintinti: 500 kg
  • Szombathely Boating Lake: 600 kg
  • Szombathely Fishing Lake: 500 kg
  • Lakes in Vasvár: 350 kg
  • Lake Püspökmolnár: 350 kg
  • Hunting lake: 350 kg

We reassure all interested fishing associates that we are planning further carp planting in all our water areas, including the dammed sections of the Rába that will calm down after the flood. According to our plans, on Thursday, June 16, 2022, Lake Hársas in Szentgotthárd and Lake Kéthatár in Kerkafalvi will be eligible for fishing, depending on the fisheries.

We urge everyone to pay particular attention to complying with fish size and daily quantity limits due to national fish shortages and rising prices. Our fishing guards will also give priority to checking the individual weight of fish retained and recorded in the logbook. In order to comply with the annual quantitative quotas, significant discrepancies (greater than 0.5 kg) between the logbook entries and the actual individual weight will be penalized and therefore recorded as accurately as possible by the fish to be retained.

We wish you successful fishing in federal waters!
Renew your iron fishing ticket for the summer season as soon as possible!

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



25.11°  Humidity: 57%