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IX. Freestyle Method Feeder National Championship, semi-final


  • Date: 2024.08.22. - 2024.08.25. 07:00
  • Place: Abért II of Lukácsházi lake
  • Entry fee: 36 000 Ft
  • Entry deadline: 2024.08.09. 23:00
  • Nevezők száma: 0 fő
  • Organizer: MOHOSZ-OVHB

Competition details

Due to the expected high number of entries, the championship consists of several semi-finals, three semi-finals and a final. It is possible to enter the semi-finals at fourteen locations at nine separate times, but a competitor can only enter one semi-final.

Each semi-final consists of two rounds, the semi-final and the final four rounds. The duration of the rounds is five hours. There is no territorial division, you can enter all basic sessions regardless of residence or association membership.

The dates and locations of the semi-finals are as follows:

  • 1–2. semi-final: April 6-7, 2024 Székesfehérvár, Palotavárosi Felsőtó (40 people) and Törökbálint, Törökbálint fishing lake (40 people).
  • 3–4. semi-final: 13-14 April 2024 Nagycsécs, Family Fishing Lake (30 people) and Nyírbátor Szénaréti Lake (40 people).
  • 5–6. semi-final: May 11-12, 2024 Lukácsháza, Abért Lake (50 people) and Dunakeszi, Dunakeszi Kavicsbánya Lake (60 people).
  • Semi-final 7: May 25-26, 2024 Nagybajom, Ötös-Hárs reservoir (40 people).
  • 8–9. semi-final: June 1-2, 2024 Bátonyterenye, Maconkai reservoir, no. 3 reservoir racing track (30 people) and Kiskunhalas, Ezüst-tó (40 people).
  • 10–11. semi-final: 8-9 June 2024 Hantos, Hantosi fishing lake (30 people) and Nagykanizsa, Csónázá lake (60 people).
  • Semi-final 12: June 22-23, 2024 Kiskunmajsa, Lake Majsa (40 people).
  • Semi-final 13: July 6-7, 2024 Koroncó, Torma Lake (40 people).
  • Semi-final 14: July 20-21, 2024 Paks, competition lake no. 6 (40 people).

The first 40 competitors of the previous year's freestyle method feeder ranking list do not have to compete in the semi-finals, they must submit their entries for the semi-finals by February 28, 2024. If someone indicates within this deadline that they do not wish to participate in the semi-finals, the next contestant on the ranking list will be given the opportunity to enter. If any of the contestants entered until February 28, 2024 withdraws after that, they can enter the vacant place from the semi-finals.

The number of participants from the semi-finals to the semi-finals is determined in proportion to the number of participants in the semi-finals. 100% equals 80 competitors. The final round of participants in the semi-final can be formed based on the results of the last semi-final. Competitors from the semi-finals do not take their scores with them to the semi-finals. The 80 competitors who advanced from the semi-finals are supplemented by the top 40 competitors of the previous year's freestyle method feeder ranking list, and thus 120 competitors reach the semi-finals of the championship.

In the semi-finals, the top 40 of the previous year's ranking list and the 80 competitors who made it through the qualifiers will be drawn publicly to the three different race tracks, for the semi-final of 40 people per race track, so that the competitors are distributed equally according to their positions in the ranking list and in the qualifiers. In exceptional, particularly justified cases, the OVHB may authorize the start at a location other than the draw. In the 40-person semi-final, the contestants from the previous year's ranking list (3-4 per sector) will be selected.

The semi-finals will be held on August 22-25, 2024 at the following locations:

  • Kiskunhalas, Ezüst-tó (40 people);
  • Lukácsháza, Lake Abért (40 people);
  • Nagykanizsa, Csónakázó lake (40 people).

40 contestants from the semi-finals will go to the finals, where they will take with them their ranking numbers obtained in the semi-finals (not their weight). The first 13-13-13 competitors from the three locations can advance to the finals, and in addition to these, taking into account the final results of all three semi-finals, the 14th place competitor with the best ranking number (in the case of a tie, the catch weight will decide) will be added to the circle of finalists.

The final will be held on September 26-29, 2024, at the Bátonyterenye, on the southern race track No. 2 of the Maconkai Reservoir (Lake III). In the finals, the first 12 places on the ranking list (3 people per sector) will be highlighted. All sector results of the semi-final and the final are included in the final results of the championship: the final order is formed based on the four sector positions achieved in the semi-final and the total number of positions in the four rounds of the final.

Limit: a maximum of 8 liters of feed material (mixed, broken, ready, in a wet state, including earth, clay, corn, hemp seeds, pellets and all other non-toxic ingredients that are harmless to the aquatic environment and vegetation) can be used in one round. Only corn and hemp seeds can be used as grain crops. The amount of usable living matter is a total of 1 liter, which can only be some kind of fly larvae (bone-pinky-pupae) and earthworms (uncut). No other organic matter can be used.

There is no limit to the amount of bait (mini-boils, dumbbells, wafters, bait pellets, etc.), but a maximum of 1 dl of each type of bait can be brought in. The use of loin meat, bread, paste, and mosquito larvae is prohibited.

The amount of aroma that can be taken in is a maximum of 1 liter, which can consist of a maximum of 10 different flavors.

The feed material presented on the limit must have a loose structure, compacting the feed material is prohibited!

The winner of the championship wins the freestyle method feeder national championship title. Entry fee for the semi-finals: HUF 21,000. Entries for the semi-finals must be made by April 1, 2024.

Entry fee for the semi-final: HUF 36,000. Entries for the semi-final must be made by August 9, 2024, with the exception of the top 40 in the ranking list, who must make their entry by February 28, 2024.

Entry fee for the final: HUF 36,000. Entries for the final must be made by September 13, 2024. You can find out about the relevant rules and the detailed program of the competition on the MOHOSZ website.

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



25.03°  Humidity: 63%