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Increased fish watch control on iron waters

2023.09.12. Share

After the fish stocking at the end of the summer, in order to better protect the native fish stock, the professional fishermen of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations carried out increased inspections of the county's fishing waters in recent days. From Friday to Sunday, at dawn, during the day and at night, they carried out their duties in addition to the frequented fishing waters of the county, on the shores of the smaller lakes, as well as on the more secluded sections of the Rába river, patrolling from boats in pairs, and supplemented by police patrols. Over the course of the 3 days, our fish guards brought nearly 300 people under control, the vast majority of which fortunately carried out their leisure activities based on the fisheries legislation and the national fishing regulations defined by MOHOSZ and the local fishing regulations required by our Association.

Increased fish watch control on iron waters

During the inspections, our colleagues examined compliance with all important rules, in addition to the existence and validity of the documents entitling to catch fish, so in particular the proper filling in of the catch logs, the daily and total amount of fish that can be kept with the territorial ticket, the placement of the fish caught, as well as the actual weight of the catch and the entry in the catch log also the difference between the registered weight. In addition to this, our fish wardens also paid special attention to the number of devices used, the baits used and the presence of additional devices prescribed in the fishing regulations, who, based on the rules adopted in the fishing regulations, examined the proper lighting of the fishing spot during night fishing, the observance of parking regulations and the disposal of waste, violation of littering rules as well.

Fishermen of the Association also visited the dammed section of the Rába river and other, less visited parts during boat inspections, and here, in addition to the above, other regulations regarding boat fishing were also examined.

During the enhanced inspection, our colleagues used the option of a written warning in 17 cases, which is recorded on the back of the state fishing license, and in the case of the next similar minor irregularity, our professional fish ranger has the opportunity to withhold the territorial license. In most cases, the date of fishing was not indicated, but there were also several problems with the mandatory lighting of the night fishing spot, the violation of parking rules, and the presence of the mandatory fish protection devices (e.g. carp mattresses) prescribed in the fishing regulations for the given water area. In two cases, a report was taken, the consequence of which was a report to the Vas County Fisheries Authority, so it is expected that a fish protection fine will be imposed and the state fishing license will be revoked.

According to the experience of our fish guards, decent fishermen are still happy about the inspection, they cooperate, they consider the inspection by professional fish guards as a necessary and useful activity!

We would also like to thank the police and our fishermen who supported the inspection!
Let's protect the precious fish stock of our waters together!

(Note: The photographs are not taken of illegal anglers, but only for the purpose of illustrating inspection actions)

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Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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