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Official competition 2021.

The pair of Bálint Varga and Péter Kovács became the winners here 🙂🤝💪 This year's official fishing competition was held in Sárvár 🐠🎣🙂 Last Saturday, organized by the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Fishermen's Associations. The venue of the event was the Sárvár Boating Lake managed by the Kinizsi Fishing Association of Sárvár. The choice of the competition venue was made possible by the fact that - after an omission of 15 years - the Kinizsi HE in Sárvár recently joined the ranks of the member organizations of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers. When the officials' competition was set up five years ago, the leaders of the Association promised to always hold the annual friendly fishing event in the fishing waters managed by the new member organizations, bringing the volunteers of the new and old member associations closer together. The main goal of the event was again this year, to “get to know the good practices” of the new member organization and the fishing lakes operated by it, as well as to build and get to know the community through a friendly fishing competition. 17 pairs of 34 fishing leaders have registered for the fishing meeting starting at 7 am. Summer heat greeted the peccaries at the Sárvár Boating Lake in a picturesque setting, it was ideal for the event, but it was not very favorable for the fish. The president of the Vas County Association of Sport Angling Associations, Miklós Seregi and managing director Norbert Puskás greeted the participants, and after a short technical briefing, Lajos Tóth was invited to the Kinizsi HE Sárvár. to present the association and the fishing waters they manage. After the opening, the fishing grounds were drawn, where the couples could ask the fishing lake for four hours. The fishing competition started at nine o'clock with a bagpipe. In mirror water and summer heat, several people preferred to use the feeder technique, which in several cases led to results. The fish of Sárvár Csónakázó-tó managed to make fun of several anglers, because despite the strong bites, many of them had beautiful fish left during the effort. This was also the case with President Miklós Seregi and Vice-President László Laki, who, after a wonderful bite, could not get the carp into the dive bag, although now every fish caught was very important. Of course, there were also luckier anglers who managed to present more of the carp at the deliberation. The champion of the weekend was Bálint Varga and Péter Kovács became the pair of Elektromosok SHE. Dezső Gaál and Ferenc Nagy, who started in Saturday's race in the colors of Kéthatártó HE, became the third with a catch of 7300 grams, they also got grass carp, bream and carp in their mouths. In parallel with the fishing competition, the management members of the Sárvár Kinizsi Fishing Association prepared an excellent goulash and roasted ribs for lunch, which was attended by all those present after the announcement of the results. In the announcement of the results of the competition, Norbert Puskás thanked the management and helpers of the host Sizvári Kinizsi HE for the successful organization of the event, then the president of the Association Miklós Seregi and Lajos Tóth The competition in a good mood is expected to be organized next year in Vassurány, for which the organizers are once again waiting for the leaders of the member organizations. Sárvár, 03/09/2021

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



8.44°  Humidity: 99%