Széchenyi Terv Plusz

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May complex fish monitoring in Vasi and Zala waters

On Saturday, a full-day, coordinated fisherman's inspection took place in the water areas of Vas and Zala counties managed by our Association. The work of our professional fishermen was assisted by the patrols and district officers of the Celldömölk, Sárvár, Letenye and Lenti Police Departments, as well as the Police Guards. During the Halőr operation, the section of the Kerka River above the Mura estuary, the Lendva stream (Adovány canal), the Cserta stream, the Kerka backwater in Kerkaszentkirály, the Kéthatár lake in Kerkafalvi, the Sárvíz lake in Gersekarát, the gravel pit in Magyarszecsőd, the Püspökmolnár gravel quarry, the lakes of Rábasömjen, Répcelak and Csánigi, as well as the dammed section of the river Rába above Nick and Ikervári were inspected with the Ikervári Műcsatorna. The swollen section of the Rába above the Twin Castle was brought under the control of our colleagues by boat from the water and on foot from the shore according to the previously proven method. A good number of anglers could be found in all the waters, but for some, the “Full” sign could really have been hung. To our great pleasure - following the recommendations for the coronavirus situation - we were able to see a large number of families and small children on the waterfront. During the morning-to-dark inspection, warnings had to be applied in 12 cases and 4 people were prosecuted by our professional fishermen. In addition to unauthorized fishing, proceedings were initiated for violation of the number of authorized gear and lack of a valid area ticket. Most warnings were recorded by our fishermen due to deficiencies in keeping a logbook (marking the day of fishing) and violating certain points in the fishing order (fishing in the trash). Based on the experience, - as it seems that it is not possible to repeat it enough, we would like to draw the attention of the following companions of T. T. 2. When fishing, only the number of fishing gear corresponding to the area ticket may be used! 3. In addition to the ban on most fish species (paddock, chub, barbel) in our river waters, there is also a specific ban on carp, and only specimens over 100 cm can be kept from catfish! 4. It is FORBIDDEN to fish in a garbage place, regardless of who left what waste on the waterfront! The angler MUST take the waste generated during the fishing with him and place it in a waste bin! We ask our anglers not to consider the control of our fishermen as harassment of our fair, law-abiding fishermen. If a more inexperienced fisherman unfamiliar with the local conditions is found to be in an irregular situation, please draw your attention to the local regulations that apply to our waters! Thank you for your understanding, we wish all Anglers a productive, pleasant stay!

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



9.51°  Humidity: 81%