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Inauguration of the fishing tourism developments of Vasvári Csónakázó-tó

Fishing developments were celebrated in Vasvár with a spring greeting program and fish stocking. László Majthényi, President of the Vas County Assembly, Balázs Tóth, Mayor of Vasvár, Miklós Seregi, President of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers' Associations, as well as dear inquirer, then asked Zsolt V. Németh to greet those present. "It's a bit unusual to stand in such a solemn moment in this place, because this place is a favorite place of the people of Vasvár, the place where tales are born, the place we go for a walk." Zsolt V. Németh began his greeting, then emphasized that the largest non - governmental organization in Hungary is the fishing community, as seven hundred thousand people think - and this has grown by almost a hundred thousand in recent years - that it should belong to this community. He pointed out that a number of positive decisions have been made in recent years in the direction of anglers: banning fishing on Lake Balaton and fishing in natural waters also benefits anglers. “There is another event here in Vas County that is slowly unfolding, but it will be of great significance, the renewal of Lake Döröske, which we bought back from Austrian private property to Hungarian public property. We hope that construction work will begin soon, which will allow the lake to obtain a water permit again. ” Zsolt V. Németh indicated his plans for the near future, then said: In Vasvár, it was an eternal grievance for the local fishermen to sell the other lake at that time, and after a long time it became possible for it to return. He pointed out that the boating lake will gain its final form if everything turns green, and then thanked everyone for their work in coordinating and helping with this development. László Majthényi recalled that almost 8 years ago the county sport anglers had developed a program that allows us to stand here in Vasvár on the shores of the renewed boating lake. “Within the framework of the Regional Development and Settlement Development Operational Program, 12 fishing lakes in the area were renewed in two phases. I am glad that this lake has also been included in this program, together with the locals, and that the development has been carried out. We can also see that the roads and paths around the lake have been renewed, and nature-friendly devices have been placed to help those who spend their free time here, even this lake can serve as a place for friends and family picnics. ” - he said, then expressed his joy that Vasvár was one of the lakes where an accessible fishing place had been built. At the end of his greetings, he wished everyone a good time around the renewed lake. Balázs Tóth, Mayor of Vasvár, greeted nature lovers. As he said, he uses this term consciously, as this lake is much more than just for anglers, because whoever goes for a walk in Vasvár, most of them choose the lake as their destination. “We are in the middle of a multi-year process, this is the recreation area of the city. I would especially like to thank you for the support we received from the government, from which we also managed to buy Lake Two, so in addition to the orderly environment here, we also have a real romantic lake so everyone can find the place they like best. The more people, the more often they use the area around the lake, and I wish everyone around the lake many pleasant minutes and hours. ” - he said, then thanked the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations for being great partners in the work and working with the municipality, local anglers. “It is an investment made harmoniously, thanks to the work of the contractor. We hope the area will turn green in a short time and then it will shine in its true light. ” The mayor of the city added. Miklós Seregi, the president of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Fishermen's Associations, greeted the participants and then pointed out that there were already seven hundred thousand anglers in Hungary, adding: the number of people who change licenses. “If we examine that those who go to the lakes are not only fishermen, but also their family members, friends and people living in the settlements, we can say that we can support the pleasant spending of the leisure time of 45-50 thousand nature lovers with these projects. With the help of the TOP program, we won HUF 136 million, of which four lakes were renovated and developed last year. We would not have been able to carry out this work on our own, even though we are the largest non-governmental organization in Vas County, which in any case requires the support of Mr. - said Miklós Seregi, who pointed out the future: they have plans, which, fortunately, are always received with open doors. Work is still underway, with the next renovations also looking to provide a more beautiful, better environment for anglers and those visiting the shores of the waters. "We hope that the cooperation will be fruitful in the next period as well, and I wish the people here and everyone who visits the shores of Lake Vasvár: use it and take care of it." Before presenting the project, Norbert Puskás, the executive chairman of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers' Associations, felt it was important to emphasize that this is not a project without precedent. “As Mr. President has already said, 12 lakes have been renewed in the recent period under the TOP program: this county municipality would not have been possible without Mr. Representative. It is important to point out that six of these lakes have been renewed in the territory of the honorable Member. You can see very well that there are almost two thousand anglers in the area of Szentgotthárd, Körmend and Vasvár, for whom it is important to be able to fish in a demanding, good environment. Today, this development also contributes to the fact that this development also brought to Vasvár the cultured environment that had already been realized in Püspökmolnári, Magyarszecsőd, or on Lake Hársas not so long ago. ” Norbert Puskás began his thoughts, then said that a gross HUF 33 million had been spent on this area in the framework of the project, the primary purpose of which was to renew the roads around the lake. In addition, there is a fishing place for the disabled, resting places, places for frying bacon. He highlighted what was less spectacular: the renovation of the sloping shore around the lake, which removed a lot of inappropriate overgrown waterfront vegetation, and the removal of mud in the coastal zone, which also helps the quality of life of the fish in the lake. “We are glad that a place has been created that will provide recreation not only for anglers, but also for everyone who visits Vasvár. I feel it is important that the importance of tourism within the county has been recognized by the county government, and it still helps today, as these lakes are enjoyed not only by those who live here, but also by those who come from more distant settlements in the county. ” He expressed his joy, then added that a more comfortable, better environment had been created for the locals as well. He thanked everyone who took part in the project in any form, and said about the future: “We want to develop further, the plans for Vasvár's two lakes are on our table . Last year, the Petőfi Fishing Association of Vasvár was 75 years old, for whom we wish at least as much time, and we hope that this lake will be a birthday present for all anglers in Vasvár. ” After the greetings, the students of the Gersekarát Primary School performed a merry singing, poetic spring greeting, and then the handover ceremony continued with the visual installation of extra-sized carp and the traditional spring carp installation. After the fish got into the water, with the participation of the local fishing community, those interested were invited to a season-opening fish fry, where everyone could taste fried fish and delicious fish pate. Despite the cool spring weather, the lake is still full of life today, and the renewed, beautiful environment has made it possible for groups of friends to repeat it at any time.

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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