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In the last week, 15,800 kg of fish have entered the iron waters

The Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Fishermen's Associations started the spring carp stocking of the county's fishing waters in the beginning of March, a significant part of the installed fish quantity arrived by the festive long weekend, but it was even planted on Thursday. Unfortunately, this year, the spring-summer fish stocks of fish producers are significantly limited, as a result of which the market is already characterized by an increase in fish prices of 11-18% this year compared to the favorable fish prices last year. During the start of the season, 13,800 kg of 1.5-2.5 kg of three-summer carp and 2,000 kg of mixed bream were introduced into Federal waters from the Zalaszentgrót site of the largest Hungarian fish producer, Tógazda Zrt. Thursday, March 11 Vasvári Csónakázó-tó 700 kg carp Püspökmolnár lake 500 kg carp Friday, March 12 Gencsapáti-Perenyie lake 400 kg carp Csepregi Brick Factory lake 300 kg carp Csánigi lake 400 kg carp Nagypiriti lake 350 kg carp Merseváti lake 400 kg carp Celldömölk lake 400 kg carp Gersekaráti Sárvíz Lake 1900 kg carp 2000 kg mixed bream Magyarszecsődi Lake 1800 kg carp Saturday March 13 Szombathely Boating Lake 1500 kg carp Szombathely Fishing Lake 650 kg carp Újperinti I. sz. mine 750 kg carp Vadása lake 350 kg carp Kerkaszentkirályi backwater 350 kg carp Kerkafalvi Two-border lake 500 kg carp Thursday, March 18 Rába river Twin castle canal 400 kg carp Rába river Twin castle swollen 400 kg carp Vaskeresztesi Pinka backwater 250 kg carp Magyarszecsődi lake 450 kg Lake Hársas in Máriaújfalu 1000 kg carp After the installation of nearly 16 tons of fish, a general ban on fishing was not imposed in any of the water areas, so everyone can indulge their passion in the spring weather. It’s true that the weather on long fronts over the continuous fronts also put anglers ’patience and endurance to the test, but nonetheless, more and more lucky and skillful anglers were able to drive more specimens from freshly planted carp into their mouths on Sundays and Mondays. As last year, the Association aims to bring as many bream and juvenile predators and other native fish species into the iron waters as well as to provide maximum service to the needs of pole-and-line anglers. Of course, this also requires the existence of a producer supply, which is still a bottleneck. in the sector. In order to strengthen the predatory fish stock in the iron waters, the Association has signed 2000 agreements with one of the largest producers in the country for 2000 annual (0.25-50 dkg / individual) perch and 500 annual (0.5-1.2 kg / individual) pike. cultivation contract. It is hoped that this will ensure the placement of the juvenile predator in several of our fishing waters in November. The intention to buy perch and pike is more significant for the association, so we are constantly looking for supplier partners to meet our needs. Remember, fishing as a pleasant and healthy pastime can only be continued in possession of a valid state fishing ticket and a territorial ticket issued by the right to fish management, in compliance with written and cultivated rules for fishing on the waterfront. Before starting fishing, all fishers are obliged to find out about the rules concerning water areas, which are also available on the Association's website at

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



9.51°  Humidity: 81%