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County Delegates' Assembly 2020. - Photo: Kálmán Garas

The delegates' meeting evaluated the previous successful year of the fishermen 🐟🎣🐠The number of fishermen over ten thousand, improvements in the iron waters👍😊🎣 Honors and the scooter of the fisherman's service were handed over today👏🐟🎣 The Iron County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers' Associations held its traditional annual evaluators' delegation on Saturday, the leaders of the Alliance reported on the events of the past year and the plans for this year. Unusually, this year’s delegates had to be postponed from May to August due to the coronavirus epidemic. Due to the summer time, several delegates could not be present at the annual evaluation meeting, so it was an exceptional opportunity for Vice President Miklós Seregi to be replaced by Vice President László Laki at this year's Delegates' Meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, László Laki, Vice-President of the Association, greeted the guests and the delegates of the fishing association. At the 2020 County Delegates' Assembly, the first agenda was to present the awards. Józsefné Laczó (Aunt Elvira), the economic manager of the Szentgotthárd Fishing Association, was the first to receive the award for fishing in Vas County. She worked for the association's management for more than 30 years. He helped the association and the president of the association with precise and demanding, transparent administration and accounting. He will no longer be able to continue the activity from 2020, so he said goodbye. The second recipient was Károly Horváth, who has been the professional guard guard of the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations since January 1, 2009. In his 11 years of fishing guard work, he has always been characterized by helpfulness in addition to conscientious work. On the shores of Lake Sárvíz in Gersekarát, the name is already the concept of her uncle Karcsi. He is at the forefront not only in fish watching, but also in waterfront work. Despite his 74-year-old age, he will not mow on it all day, and the Association carries out waterfront maintenance work in several water areas. What his superiors entrust him, he strives to do in the shortest time and to the best of his knowledge. You can always count on it in the organization and consideration of the Gersekarát Sárvíz Lake competitions. Attila Kádi from Répcelak HE received recognition for the fishing sport of Vas county. youth leader, a dedicated volunteer helper at Lake Répcelaki and Lake Csánigi. Attila Kádi has been working as a youth leader for more than 10 years in order to increase the membership of the association and to educate young people. Attila has participated in many volunteer work and program organizations and continues to do so today. With his help, many schoolchildren from Répcelak made it to the finals of the Primary School competition in Vasi Vizeken, and his own child, Szabolcs Kádi, also achieved excellent results in the county fishing competitions with his help. He is currently operating a successful fishing group and beautifying the Répcelak sport fishing lake with his team of friends. He is one of the founders of the Kerkaszentkirály Fishing Association, a volunteer helper who also works to increase the membership of the association in order to ensure its stable economic operation. Even today, he is constantly working actively for the local fishing community, the Kerka backwater. Otto is also a local government representative in Kerkaszentkirály through a local patriot person, so he greatly supports the work and operation of the association on this line as well. This year, with the help of Otto, investment work began on the shores of the Kerka backwater to make the environment more beautiful and to serve fishermen. Following the presentation of the official county awards, a presidential recognition certificate was also presented this year to the sport fisherman Gyula Filakovszky, who is also the social fishing guardian of the Association. Our fishing partner has previously been at the heart of protecting the waters and their fish stocks, but since 2019 he has been helping the work of our Association as an active social fisherman, especially on the Rába River, which he knows and loves. However, in connection with the sacrificial work of the giant carp in relocating it to the Ikervári Műcsatorna, they wanted to thank not only that this wonderful creature is again the inhabitant of the fishing water we manage, but above all the rare, exemplary will, what Gyula did in the case. There was even a special moment before the official agendas, Norbert Puskás, as the vice-president of the Hungarian National Anglers' Association, greeted the participants and said: “A few days ago the handover of the tools and vehicles won in the MOHOSZ equipment park tender started in Budapest by Péter Zambó, Minister of Agriculture and Agriculture dr. Zsolt Nyitrai, Acting Prime Minister dr. Lajos Szucs in the presence of President MOHOSZ. For the first time in Budapest, 15 Suzuki Vitara Hybrid AllGrip cars were handed over to the regional associations with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and MOHOSZ, of which one was delivered to our association after the 4 Toyota Hilux won last year. Other asset transfers in the country will continue in the coming days. Today, on behalf of the Delegates' Assembly, on behalf of MOHOSZ and the Vas County Association, I am very pleased to hand over to my dear distinguished fisherman colleague the uniquely designed Piaggio Typhoon fishing scooter equipped with accessories, which can be used well in the field, of which MOHOSZ will handed over to the winning fishing organizations. On behalf of myself and my colleagues, I wish Károly Horváth accident-free traffic and use the scooter that is now being handed over in good health for a very long time. ” László Laki and Norbert Puskás then unveiled the service scooter and handed it over to the colleague of the fishing guard. As a second agenda, delegates discussed and adopted the recently established Vassurányi SHE. his intention to join the Vas County Association of Sport Fishing Associations from 1 January 2021. Afterwards, the members approved the report of the Supervisory Board, and then discussed the professional annual evaluator of the Executive Chairman of the Association, Norbert Puskás. The extensive written report revealed that last year the association had another record year to increase the number of 9,117 people in the previous year by 1,099, so that by the end of 2019 the number of fishermen registered in the member associations of the Association reached 10,216. Overall, 2,755 adult anglers have issued an annual area ticket, 64 more than in the previous year. The number of daily ticket changes also significantly exceeded last year’s sales numbers. Fishing waters recently renewed with tender support (Lake Magyarszecsődi, Lake Gencsapáti gravel mine, Lake Pinka backwater in Vaskeresztes, Lake Sárvíz in Gersekarát, Lake Kavicsbánya in Püspökmolnár) they are more attractive to county and guest anglers. The frequency and volume of carp deployments has also exceeded the numbers of recent years, thanks to an increase in ticket exchanges. A total of 60,082 kg of carp over 5 kg were introduced into the iron waters in 2019 from the two- to three-summer-old carp, as well as from extra-large individuals placed at the beginning of last year. 13,850 kg of mixed bream and bream were sold during the previous year, while a total of 58,500 fish were placed from pre-farmed fish (brown trout, pike, catfish, compo) in 4-10 cm size. The application developments also continued in 2019, the Association implemented a number of Leader projects and submitted many other high-value applications, the implementation of which is still ongoing. As in previous years, there was no shortage of events, such as the Pinka Valley Fish Day for the sixth time in order to promote fishing and fish consumption. The 14th Vasi Vizek primary school fishing competition and the Vasi Vizeken fishing camp, which has a decades-long tradition, were also very popular. Following the professional report, the participants were able to get acquainted with the financial report presented by Etelka Bíró, Chief Financial Officer. The work plan and program calendar were also on the agenda of the meeting, but the delegates also approved the proposals for the amendment of the membership fee and this year's budget, as well as the statutes and the honors regulations. Among the various items, the delegates were also briefed on the topics of the forthcoming MOHOSZ board meeting, as well as on the electronic fishing examination and the forthcoming introduction of online territorial ticketing. Congratulations to the winners once again, we wish you a lot of strength and health in the future! Photo: Kálmán Garas

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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