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At the end of April, 22,500 kg of carp arrived in Vas County

MOHOSZ ANNOUNCEMENT National, extraordinary fish stocking in state-owned fishing waters has been successfully completed Based on the Government's decision, in recent weeks state-owned fishing waters have received unprecedented levels of planting aid to help Hungarian fish producers and keep their jobs. The intervention fish stocking successfully implemented by the Hungarian National Fishermen's Association (MOHOSZ) was the largest logistical task in the history of Hungarian fish farming, resulting in the placement of 1177 tons of carp in a total of 324 fishing waters on 18 delivery days. The decision not only helped to maintain the approximately 1,500 fishing and 2,500 fisheries jobs directly affected, but also quickly and effectively served the resumption of the dynamically expanding recreational sport, world-class competitive sport and fishing tourism, while gradually easing the emergency restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. in addition, boosting domestic fish consumption. At the initiative of the Hungarian Inter-Trade Organization for Aquaculture and Fisheries (MA-HAL), the Ministry of Agriculture, with the support of the Chamber of Agriculture, decided to buy intervention for third summer carp stocks due to the new type of coronavirus in foreign markets and domestic sales. The planned subsidy amount for the acquisition was HUF 800,000,000 gross, which was determined by the Ministry of Agriculture with the consent of the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Agriculture entrusted the organization, implementation and control of the intervention to the National Service Organization Service Center of MOHOSZ, which performed the task free of charge within the framework of the performance of its public tasks. As the release of the accumulated fish stocks was not tolerated, the organizations concerned completed the preparatory work with record speed, and NÉBIH carried out an out-of-line fish health risk assessment and screening of any imported fish. MOHOSZ and MA-HAL defined the distribution principles with the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture. The beneficiaries were the member associations and member associations (as well as the fish farm user of Lake Tisza with special status) where state or majority state-owned water areas with a water area of more than 5 hectares are used for fishing within the framework of a tenant or sub-tenant legal relationship, and where as a carp habitat. Based on the proposal of the trade union, the water areas hosting several competitions per year received central overfishing support, and the MOHOSZ member associations received strip distribution and, in the case of small-area state waters, the right to correct the support with the aid of the affected fisherman. in agreement and close cooperation. It was also decided that the MOHOSZ OHSZK's autumn fish planting tenders will give priority to other fishing waters that are not currently eligible, but operate in a transparent manner and support fishing tourism. MOHOSZ will take special care of the extraordinary installation contribution of the water areas utilized by Balatoni Halgazdálkodási Nonprofit Zrt. The additional support of the exemplary, closed production-outsourcing Balaton organization will be solved by the fishing association with the help of the fishing support applications in the autumn of 2020 and 2021, taking into account the interests of the fishermen of Lake Balaton. In the case of Lake Tisza, Lake Velence and Lake Danube in Ráckeve (Soroksár), which also has a significant fishing tourism attraction, the amount of subsidized fish has increased significantly, such as the unprecedented amount in Lake Tisza, a total of 960 glazes, already catchable size surplus fish arrived. It is important to note that in most state waters, the amount of fish now deployed has even exceeded the previous annual deployment, and the value of emergency fish stocks from state resources also increases state fish stocks. Installations completed successfully today. During the complex program implemented with the help of dozens of specialists, the fish stocks of 1176658 kg of 27 fish producers could be placed in the designated 324 Hungarian fishing waters with a total of 450 transports and 453 installation sites using 18 transport vehicles on 18 delivery days. As of today, an unprecedented amount of fish stocks in these waters serves the entertainment of Hungarian anglers, and after the gradual abolition of emergency restrictions, it will permanently help the further development of domestic and then international fishing tourism. MOHOSZ would like to thank the sacrificial work of all the organizations and individuals with whose help the biggest logistical task in the history of Hungarian fish production and fish farming has been successfully realized! MOSS - For the sake and protection of waters, fish, anglers! -------------- We close the information on the state fish planting with the pictures of the April iron plantation: We would like to draw the attention of the fishing partners to the fact that the national specific prohibition period for carp in the iron river waters and the Pinka backwater On Lake Hársas and Lake Vadása, it will start on 04 May 2020, so by 29 May 2020, carp must be released gently in these waters after the catch. 🐠🎣🐟 Thank you to the installers for their help and the Government for their support. 🐠👍🐟✌️

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



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