Széchenyi Terv Plusz

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6800 kg of carp arrived

The planned 6800 kg of carp has arrived 🎣🐠😀🐟 The Iron County Association of Sport Fishing Anglers Associations continued its spring carp plantations on Thursday, April 15, 2021. In the last month, a total of 25.8 tons of noble fish have entered our fishing waters. Thanks to the unbroken confidence of the fishermen and, we hope, the still dynamically rising ticket changes, approx. 3500-4000 carp arrived in the following fishing waters: Water area Quantity (kg) Rába river Ikervár - canal 350 Rába river Ikervár - Dammed 350 Rábasömjén lake 350 Kerkaszentkirály Kerka backwater 300 Kerkafalva Kéthatár lake 500 Rába river Alsószölnök (with Alsószölnö) river -Sentgotthárd 300 Marcal river 300 Celldömölk lake 350 Merseváti lake 350 Csánigi lake 350 Rába river - Nick -Bright 400 Vasvár lakes 400 Újperinti lake 400 Gersekaráti Sárvíz lake 500 Szombathely Horgásztó 400 Gencsapáti-Perenye lake 400 Csepregi lake 300 The fish farm 300 no ban has been imposed in any of the waters so that everyone can indulge their passion as soon as possible in the spring weather. 🐟🎣😀🐠 Switch your fishing ticket to the iron waters so that we can have fun with fish-rich waters in the future! Take care of each other and the fish that come!

Vas County Sport Fishing Association
Address: 9795 Vaskeresztes 165/4 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 94 506 835
Fax: +36 94 506 836
Mobile number: +36 70 33 99 703



10.73°  Humidity: 70%